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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

CLEAPSS Health and Safety Management for Heads of Science Event

09:30 - 16:00
1 June 2016
Worthing College 1 Sandition Way (off Hill Barn Lane) Worthing West Sussex BN14 9FD

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Mathematics and Science Learning Centre on 023 8059 8810 or email .

Event details

The main emphasis of this course is on management issues and risk assessment. The day will include input from the trainer, discussion, and a variety of activities intended to enhance understanding of the legislative framework and how it applies in schools, especially risk assessment. Common and not so common, but more serious, accidents which occur in school science will be examined along with a discussion of the implications for management. There will be plenty of opportunities for participants to identify their own areas of concern. Suitable for: Heads of Department, their deputies and those aspiring to the post.

Legal requirements for risk assessment both in the curriculum and in the prep room will be considered.  Included in the package will be checklists which Heads of Department or other senior managers could use to audit their school's processes and procedures.

What are the aims of the course?

  • raise awareness of current and significant safety issues in science teaching
  • help participants to develop a better understanding of what is required by health and safety legislation
  • consider the implication of this for the management of safety in science departments
  • consider the risk assessment process, as required by the Management regs, COSHH regs and others
  • understand the uses of a safety policy and how it can be monitored
  • to devise an action plan

Participants will be able to:

  • understand what health & safety legislation requires and what it does not
  • understand what constitutes a sensible, manageable and effective approach to risk assessment
  • appreciate the need for a health and safety policy
  • consider how its implementation can be sensibly monitored

Course Fee: £110 per person to attend

This is for a full day of professional development, all CLEAPSS course resources, lunch and refreshments.

CLEAPSS courses are intended for CLEAPSS members - if you are uncertain about your membership please contact CLEAPSS on 01895 251496.  An additional charge may be payable for non-members attending courses.

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