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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

CLEAPSS Supporting Safe Practical Microbiology I Event

09:30 - 16:00
1 June 2016
Mathematics and Science Learning Centre The Graham Hills Building 29 University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Mathematics and Science Learning Centre on 023 8059 8810 or email .

Event details

Do you lack confidence/experience in providing for school microbiology? This intensive course covers all the essentials of health and safety and aseptic technique that are necessary for safe and effective KS3, GCSE and A level microbiology practicals. The course is hands-on so you will gain confidence as you practice the skills during the day. Suitable for: Technicians and Teachers

What will the course include?

  • health and safety aspects to comply with the COSHH regulations
  • skills required to provide safe equipment and practicals
  • safety aspects when culturing unknown environmental microbes
  • safe sub-culturing of microbes for student use in lessons
  • dealing with spillages of contaminated materials
  • ideas for safe and successful practical activities
  • disposal

All agar plates and slopes made on the course can be taken away to watch the cultures develop.

Course Fee : £110 per person attending

This is for a full day of professional development, all CLEAPSS course resources, lunch and refreshments.

CLEAPSS courses are intended for CLEAPSS members – if you are uncertain about your membership please contact CLEAPSS on 01895 251496. An additional charge may be payable for non-members attending courses.

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