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The University of Southampton

Construction of an Optimal Background Profile for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation using Semidefinite Programming Seminar

12 November 2014
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available from 16.00 in the Lilley room (5019) in Building 13 (Tizard) and then the talk itself will start at 16.15 in room 3021.

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Jayne Angland on +44 (0)23 8059 7658 or email .

Event details

An AFM group seminar

Part of our autumn/winter seminar series.

Speaker information

Dr Andy Wynn , Imperial College London. I am a Lecturer in the department of Aeronautics. My research is related to control theory and I work on both applications (flow estimation, control of flexible aircraft) and theory (nonlinear observers, Weiss conjectures).

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