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The University of Southampton

Solitons, modulation instability and breathers: also in vibration? Seminar

15 November 2016

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Rameen Mustafa at .

Event details

Insitute of Sound and Vibration Research seminar No registration required

In many weakly nonlinear dispersive systems, like water waves, optics, plasma physics, etc., the relevance of solitons, modulation instability and breathers is widely accepted and still a matter of intense research. In vibrations comparatively little work seems to have been devoted to investigate system behaviour along these lines. The presentations will show first results obtained from simple model systems for which solitons, modulation instability and breathers have been generated. The potential role of these solutions for studying questions related to spatio-temporal localisation, extreme events, and irregular vibration is discussed.

Speaker information

Norbert Hoffmann , Imperial College. Degree in Physics (Diplom-Physiker), University of Erlangen, 1994. Dr.rer.nat. in Theoretical Physics, University of Bayreuth, 1997. PhD supervisor Fritz Busse. Work on stability of fluid motion for rotating flow: Ekman layer instability. Work in industry for Robert Bosch Corporation in Stuttgart, 1997-2005. Vibration, Acoustics, Mechatronic Systems. Habilitation in Dynamics of Mechanical Systems: University Stuttgart, 2007. Supervisor: Lothar Gaul. Since 2005: Professor, Structural Dynamics, Hamburg University of Technology. Since 2013: Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London; Director of Rolls-Royce Vibration University Technology Centre.

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