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The University of Southampton

30 years in marine consultancy – some past achievements and some future opportunities for the next generation Seminar

Bill Cooper
16:00 - 17:00
24 April 2018
Building 44/1057 L/T B

Event details

Coastal Seminar Series 2017/2018 – Semester 2. Bill Cooper will talk about some of his career achievements in delivering coastal projects, past and present, and reflect on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.”

Speaker information

Mr Bill Cooper , Cooper Marine Advisors Ltd. Bill [Cooper] graduated in from Swansea University in 1986 with a degree in Oceanography. His 30+ years of career has spanned periods working for the MOD, utilities and various consultancies. At the end of 2016, Bill set up his own business to fulfil a long-term career goal. Throughout his career Bill has specialised in the application of numerical models to help improve understanding of complex issues such as; predicting thermal fronts in oceanic circulations, the fate of waste water discharges, evolution of coastlines and interactions of marine renewable energy with the environment. Presently, Bill serves as a member of BSI committee for wave and tidal energy technical standards and on the Maritime Engineering editorial panel.

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