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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

Sociology Pathways

Do you want to know more about the tools with which we study diverse areas of society, such as work, crime, migration, health, ethnicity, the media or the body? Do you want to develop skills in using social research to inform evidence-based policy interventions as a means to facilitate social change? Our three Sociology pathways all support students in developing independent social research skills, and applying them in contemporary subject areas relevant to societal progress and knowledge creation. All are taught by leading international academics in their particular fields and are strongly informed by the cutting-edge research they are undertaking.

Duration: One semester or full academic year

Specific entry requirements: An undergraduate background in Sociology or an associated subject. Applicants with no background in Sociology should consider the Economy and Society pathway.


Master’s Progression Pathway

This pathway engages students in the discussion of issues and perspectives from both classical and contemporary sociological theories, and considers how these might be applied to understand common social problems. The pathway will provide you with an in-depth understanding of social theory and social research and highly developed analytical skills.


Semester 1 Semester 2
Compulsory Compulsory
SOCI2031 Social Theory - To be confirmed
SOCI3001 Comparative Sociology - To be confirmed
Optional Optional

SOCI2017 /

Class Structure and Social Inequality

SOCI2035 /

Children and Society
EDUC3029 The Sociology of Education SOCI2003 Gender and Society
CRIM2001 Perspectives in Criminology SOCI2020 Qualitative Research: Foundations, Principles and Methods
SOCI3093 Sexuality and Intimacy Modules are currently being confirmed for the 202122 academic year.
Further options will be added shortly.
SOCI3002 Comparing Welfare States - Evolution, Politics & Impact

Some modules may be subject to change or availability

Linked Master’s programmes

MSc Criminology

MSc Sociology and Social Policy (with choice of three pathways: Substantive, International Social Policy, or Research Methods)

International Social Policy

♦ Master’s Progression Pathway

How best can we conceptualise and measure human welfare and what approaches are best in promoting it? This pathway considers these questions in a broad international context. You will gain an in-depth understanding of key theoretical, conceptual and empirical debates in this area and highly-developed comparative analytical skills.


Semester 1 Semester 2
Compulsory Compulsory
- To be confirmed in August 2021 - To be confirmed
SOCI3002 Comparing Welfare States - Evolution, Politics & Impact - To be confirmed
Optional Optional
SOCI2017 /
Class Structure and Social Inequality SOCI2003 Gender and Society
UOSM2004 Global Health

Modules are currently being confirmed for the 202122 academic year.
Further options will be added shortly.

UOSM2022 Social Enterprise

Some modules may be subject to change or availability

Linked Master’s programmes

MSc Criminology

MSc Sociology and Social Policy (with choice of three pathways: Substantive, International Social Policy, or Research Methods)


♦ Master’s Progression Pathway

Criminology deals with issues of central importance in all societies e.g. law enforcement, deviance, justice etc. The pathway at Southampton emphasises connections between research and professional practice and provides you with an in-depth understanding of contemporary criminal justice policies and practices and the ability to analyse the key criminological problems.


Semester 1 Semester 2
Compulsory Compulsory
CRIM2001 Perspectives in Criminology - To be confirmed
CRIM3002 Issues in Law Enforcement and Social Control - To be confirmed
Optional Optional
SOCI2031 Social Theory CRIM2004 Criminological Psychology
EDUC3029 The Sociology of Education SOCI2020 Qualitative Research: Foundations, Principles and Methods
SOCI2017 /
Class Structure and Social Inequality SOCI2035 /
Children and Society
CRIM3001 Penology CRIM3007 Violent and Sexual Offenders
SOCI3093 Sexuality and Intimacy

Modules are currently being confirmed for the 202122 academic year.
Further options will be added shortly.

Some modules may be subject to change or availability

Linked Master’s programmes

MSc Criminology

MSc Sociology and Social Policy (with choice of three pathways: Substantive, International Social Policy, or Research Methods)

Further Information

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