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The University of Southampton
University of Southampton Global Health Research Institute

Southampton in Ghana: Lessons and Opportunities Event

18:00 - 20:30
27 February 2018
Location: Level 1, Murray Building, Highfield Campus, Southampton University

For more information regarding this event, please email Josie Love at .

Event details

The International Office, Wessex Global Health Network, the Global Health Research Institute and Faculty of Medicine present a speaker and networking event – ‘Southampton in Ghana: Lessons and Opportunities’. The event will be chaired by Fiona Dalton, Chief Executive of University Hospital Southampton and Professor Marie-Louise Newell, Global Health Research Institute. There will be introductory talks from Dame Yvonne Moores, Chair of the Wessex Global Health Network Steering Group and Andrew Smith, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Networking opportunity

The event brings together stakeholders from the University, the NHS and the wider Wessex region to highlight existing work in the field of Global Health in Ghana and provide an opportunity to explore future collaborations and partnerships.

Speaker information

Clare Gordon, Keri Darrock and Amelia Shaw,Wessex-Ghana Stroke Partnership, formed in 2009, the Wessex Ghana Stroke Partnership (WGSP) has enabled collaboration between healthcare professionals from across Wessex, UK and from Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH), Accra, Ghana. WGHSP is composed of a multidisciplinary team, from both the UK and Ghana, working together to improve stroke care at KBTH.

Dr. Malvena Stuart-Taylor,University Hospital Southampton,Consultant Anaesthetist involved in capacity building in Ghana.

INASP,International development charity working in resource poor settings,INASP is an international development charity working with a global network of partners in Africa, Latin America and Asia. In line with the vision of research and knowledge at the heart of development, they work to support individuals and institutions to produce, share and use research and knowledge, which can transform lives.

Professor Sabu Padmadas,Professor of Demography & Global Health, Co-Director of GHP3

Dr Jim Wright,Associate Professor in Geographical Information Systems, University of Southampton

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