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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

Professor Asif Ahmed PhD

Visiting Professor, Senior Advisor to the President and Vice-Chancellor

Professor Asif Ahmed's photo

Asif Ahmed is a renowned scientist who discovered two protective pathways that put the brakes on preeclampsia, a life-threatening condition in pregnancy.

Every year, preeclampsia affects 11 million of pregnant women of the 131 million childbirths worldwide, usually during the second half of pregnancy. It causes high blood pressure and undersized babies. There are no therapies to prevent it. The only way to cure preeclampsia is to deliver the baby before the due date.

Discovery is a step into the unknown to build beyond the known.

Professor Ahmed is the Founder of MirZyme Therapeutics, whose mission is to make preeclampsia history using exclusive and globally granted, patented RNA technology to predict, detect and prevent preeclampsia.

He has held professorships for over 20 years at leading research universities, has over 28,500 citations and has devoted his research to find out why women die in childbirth. The Stanford Study 2020 ranked him in the Top 2% Scientist in the world.

Professor Ahmed is the architect of the Aston Medical School in Birmingham. He was the 2019 recipient of the 7th British Muslim Awards for ‘Services to Education’.

He holds the ‘Medal of Moderation’ from HRH Prince Khalid Centre in Saudi Arabia. Recipient of this award include Ministers of State and Royals.

Full history -

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Research interests

I aim to intensify the culture of discovery-based patient-centric research to deliver global impact by addressing the unmet health challenges and saving lives of mothers and their babies.

To do this effectively and strategically, we will create a fully integrated ‘Innovation-to-Product’ approach. Our focus would be to build the translational research agenda.

Research group

Complex Healthcare Processes

Affiliate research group


Preventing preeclampsia using hydrogen sulfide-releasing aspirin - a designer molecule -

Professor Asif Ahmed
Health Sciences, Student Office, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ

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