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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

Visiting Professor Jonathan Drennan PhD, MEd, BSc (Hons),PG Dip (Stats), RN

Visiting Professor of Healthcare Research

Visiting Professor Jonathan Drennan's photo

Professor Jonathan Drennan has now left the  University of Southampton but retains his links with the University as a Visiting Professor. He now holds the position of Chair of Nursing and Health Services Research at University College Cork.

Jonathan has completed a number of projects at national and European level. Recent research includes a study of staff-resident interactions and conflicts in residential settings for older people, evaluation of non-medical prescribing in Ireland, loneliness in old age and socialisation and support for people with enduring mental illness. He has also completed a programme of research evaluating the Irish Cancer Society's cancer information services.

Jonathan is the co-editor of a major textbook on research methods for healthcare research that was published by the Open University Press in June 2013.

Jonathan was appointed Professor of Healthcare Research and Head of the Centre for Innovation and Leadership at the University of Southampton 2013 - May 2016.

He received his nursing qualifications in learning disability, mental health and general nursing. He worked clinically in a number of areas including addiction counselling and emergency nursing.

He holds a PhD and master's degree in education from University College Dublin, a postgraduate diploma in statistics from Trinity College Dublin and a bachelor's degree in nursing from the University of Ulster.

The Centre for Innovation and Leadership in Health Sciences is a dynamic group within Health Sciences that facilitates healthcare professionals develop expert practice in advanced clinical roles, leadership and management and rehabilitation sciences. It also provides innovative research education and training to healthcare professionals at master’s and doctoral levels. The Centre provides an environment for interdisciplinary learning and fosters a culture of innovation and creativity that impacts on healthcare policy, research and practice. Linked to the Centre for Innovation and Leadership are three research groups: Cancer, Palliative and End-of-Life-Care; Rehabilitation and Health Technologies; and Innovative and Essential Care.

Research interests

  • Research with older people including loneliness in old age, and safeguarding older adults.
  • Non-medical prescribing.
  • Evaluating cancer information services.
  • Evaluation of nurse-led interventions.
  • Research into the impact and outcomes of higher education.
  • Psychometrics.


Department of Health & Children

National Evaluation of the Clinical Placement Coordinator in the Community Pilot Project

National Council on Ageing and Older People

Loneliness and Social Isolation in Older People

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (An Bord Altranais)

Review of Five Points of Entry to the An Bord Altranais Register

National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing & Midwifery/HRB

Identifying Nursing & Midwifery Research Priorities for Ireland

Health Research Board

A Randomised Controlled Trail of Supported Socialisation for People with Serious Mental Illness

Women's Council

A Qualitative Study of Women's Experience of Menopause

Health Research Board/HSE

An investigation into the attendance of older people at hospital emergency departments

Crisis Pregnancy Agency

Parents' Approaches to Educating their Pre-adolescent and Adolescent Children about Sexuality

Health Service Executive

National Centre for the Protection of Older People

College of Life Sciences Research and Innovation Fund

CSTAR - Centre for Support and Training in Analysis and Research.  A statistical/research methods support unit for the College of Life Sciences

Health Service Executive

Independent Evaluation of the Nurse/Midwife Prescribing Initiative

European Science Foundation/Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences

The Academic Profession in Europe: Responses to Societal Change

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland ( An Bord Altranais)

Practice Standards and Guidelines for Nurses and Midwives with Prescriptive Authority

Irish Cancer Society

Evaluation of Irish Cancer Society's Cancer Information Services

Health Service Executive

An Evaluation of the HSE Guiding Framework for the Implementation of Nurse Prescribing of Medical Ionising Radiation (X-Ray) in Ireland

Research group

Health Work and Systems

Research project(s)

Framework for Safe Nurse Staffing and Skill Mix in General and Specialist Medical and Surgical Care Settings in Ireland - evaluation

Determining safe and appropriate nurse staffing levels can be challenging and, for many years, decisions on nurse staffing in the Irish healthcare system were based on historical need and legacy issues rather than using a systematic, evidence based approach. This study evaluates the implementation of an evidence based Framework.

I am currently Head of the Centre of Innovation and Leadership in Health Sciences. One of two groups in the school, the Centre provides a wide range of innovative postgraduate courses for the development of future clinical and research leaders in healthcare, and delivers impactful collaborations with NHS and private sector partners.

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Peer Reviewed Publications

Butler M., Brosnan M., Drennan J., Feeney P., Gavigan O., Kington M., O'Brien D., Sheehy L., Walsh M. (2014) Evaluating midwifery-led antenatal care: Using a programme logic model to identify relevant outcomes. Midwifery . 30, (1), e31 - e41.

Hyde A., Drennan J., Butler M., Howlett E., Carney M., Lohan M. (2013) Parents' constructions of communication with their children about safer sex. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 22, 3438 - 3446.

Renwick L., Lyne J., Owens E., O'Donoghue B., Madigan K., Turner N., Drennan J., Sheridan A., Kinsella A., Clarke M., O'Callaghan E. (2013) Comparison of generic and disease-specific measures of quality of life in first-episode psychosis. Journal of Psychiatric Research . 47, (10), 1403 - 1408.

Naughton C., Drennan J., Lafferty A., Lyons I. (2013) The relationship between older people's awareness of the term elder abuse and actual experiences of elder abuse. International Psychgeriatrics . 25 (8), 1257 - 1266.

Naughton C., Drennan J., Lafferty A. (2013) Older People's Perceptions of the Term Elder Abuse and Characteristics Associated With a Lower Level of Awareness. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect . DOI:10.1080/08946566.2013.867242.

Drennan J. (2012) Masters in nursing degrees: an evaluation of management and leadership outcomes using a retrospective pre-test design. Journal of Nursing Management . 20 (1), 102-112.

Hyde, A., Drennan, J., Carney, M., Butler, M., Lohan, M. & Howlett, E. (2012)Parents' constructions of the sexual self-presentation and sexual conduct of adolescents: discourses of gendering and protecting. Culture, Health and Sexuality , 14, 805 - 909.

Naughton C., Drennan J., Lyons I., Lafferty A., Treacy M., Phelan A., O'Loughlin A., Delaney L. (2012) Elder abuse and neglect in Ireland: results from a national prevalence survey. Age and Ageing 41 (1): 98-103.

Naughton C., Mc Grath E., Drennan J., Treacy M, Fealy G., Kilkenny M., Johnson F., Butler M. (2012) The profile and follow-up of patients who attend the Emergency Department following a fall. International Emergency Nursing , 20, 243 - 250.

Naughton C., Drennan J., Allen D., Hyde A., O'Boyle K., Felle P., Butler M.  (2012) An evaluation of the appropriateness and safety of nurse and midwife prescribing in Ireland. Journal of Advanced Nursing. DOI: 10.1111/jan.12004.

Butler M, Collins R, Drennan J, Halligan P, O'Mathúna DP, Schultz TJ, Sheridan A, Vilis E. Hospital nurse staffing models and patient and staff-related outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews ( 2011), Issue 7. Art. No.: CD007019. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007019.pub2.

Fealy G., Treacy P., Drennan J. Naughton C., Butler M., Lyons I. (2011) A profile of older emergency department attendees: findings from an Irish study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 68(5), 1003-1013.

Drennan J., Naughton C., Allen D., Hyde A., O'Boyle K., Felle P., Butler M.  (2011) Patients' level of Satisfaction and Self-reports of Intention to Comply following Consultation with Nurses and Midwives with Prescriptive Authority. International Journal of Nursing Studies 48 (7), 808-817.

Naughton C., Mc Grath E., Drennan J., Treacy M, Fealy G., Kilkenny M., Johnson F., Butler M. (2011) How different are older people discharged from emergency departments compared with those admitted to hospital? European Journal of Emergency Medicine 18, 19 - 24.

Hyde, A., Nee, J. Howlett, E. Butler, M. & Drennan, J. (2011) 'The ending of menstruation: perspectives and experiences of lesbian and heterosexual women at menopause'. Journal of Woman & Aging 23 (2), 160-172.

Naughton C., Drennan J., Treacy M, Fealy G., Kilkenny M., Johnson F., Butler M. (2010) The role of health and non-health-related factors in repeat emergency department visits in an elderly urban population. Emergency Medical Journal 27:683-687.

Hyde A, Nee J, Drennan J, Butler M, & Howlett, E. (2010) Menopause narratives: the interplay of women's embodied experiences with biomedical discourses. Qualitative Health Research , 20 (6):805-815.

Morris R., MacNeela P., Scott A., Treacy M., Hyde A., Matthews A., Morrison T., Drennan J., Byrne A. (2010) The Irish nursing minimum data set for mental health: a valid and reliable tool for the collection of standardized nursing data. Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 359 - 367.

Hyde, A., Carney, M., Drennan, J., Butler, M., Lohan, M. & Howlett, E. (2010) The silent treatment: parents' narratives of sexuality education with young people. Culture, Health and Sexuality , 12 (4):359-371.

Hyde A, Nee J, Drennan J, Butler M, & Howlett, E. (2010) 'HT and the medical encounter:  a qualitative analysis of women's experiences'. Menopause: Journal of the North American Menopause Society , 17 (2):344-350.

Drennan J. (2010) Critical Thinking as an Outcome of a Master's Degree in Nursing Programme. Journal of Advanced Nursing . 66, (2)

Drennan J., Hyde A., Howlett E. (2009) Sexual behaviour and knowledge among adolescents in Ireland. Sexual Health 6 (3) 245-249.

Devkaran S., Parsons H., Van Dyke M., Drennan J., Rajah J. (2009) The impact of a fast track area on quality and effectiveness outcomes: A Middle Eastern emergency department perspective. BMC Emergency Medicine 9 (11), 1 - 9.

Rochford C., Connolly M., Drennan J. (2009) Paid part-time employment and academic performance of undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education Today 29, (6), 601-609.

Drennan J, Clarke M. (2009) ' Coursework Master's Programmes: The Student's Experience of Research and Research Supervision '. Studies in Higher Education , 34 (4)

Drennan J., Treacy P., Butler M., Byrne A., Fealy G., Frazer K., Irving K. (2008) 'Support Networks of Older People Living in the Community'. International Journal of Older People Nursing 3, 234-242.

Drennan J, Hyde A. (2008) 'Social selection and professional regulation for Master's degrees for nurses'. Journal of Advanced Nursing . 63 (5), 486-493

Drennan J, (2008) 'Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire: Reliability and factor structure with Master's in Nursing graduates'. Journal of Advanced Nursing , 62 (4):487-498.

Drennan J, (2008) Professional and academic destination of masters in nursing graduates: A national survey. Nurse Education Today , 28(6):751-9

Drennan J., Hyde A. (2008) Controlling response shift bias: The use of the retrospective pretest design in the evaluation of a master's programme. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education , 33 (6):699-709.

Drennan J., Treacy M., Butler M., Byrne A., Fealy G., Frazer K., Irving K. (2008) 'The experience of social and emotional loneliness of older people in Ireland'. Ageing and Society , 28, 1113-1132.

Drennan J, Hyde A. (2008) The fragmented discourse of the 'knowledgeable doer': nursing academics' and nurse managers' perspectives on a master's education for nurses. Advances in Health Sciences Education , 14 (2):173-186.

Hyde A, Drennan J. Howlett, E. Brady, D. (2008) 'Heterosexual experiences of secondary school pupils in Ireland: sexual coercion in context'. Culture, Health and Sexuality ,  10 (5), 479-493.

Hyde A, Brady D, Drennan J, Howlett E, (2008) 'Safer heterosex: perspectives from young men in Ireland'. Sexual Health , 5 (1):25-30.

Hyde A, Drennan J. Howlett, E. Brady, D. (2008) ‘Young men's vulnerability in constituting hegemonic masculinity in sexual relations'. American Journal of Men's Health . doi:10.1177/1557988308319730.

Morris R, Macneela P, Scott A, Treacy P, Hyde A, O'Brien J, Lehwaldt D, Byrne A, Drennan J (2007) 'Ambiguities and conflicting results: The limitations of the kappa statistic in establishing the interrater reliability of the Irish nursing minimum data set for mental health: A discussion paper'. International Journal of Nursing Studies , 45(4):645-7

Butler MM., Johnson M, , Meehan TC, Kemple M, Drennan J, Treacy M, (2007) 'Identifying research priorities for midwifery in Ireland'. Midwifery , PMID: 18068280

Drennan J., Meehan T., Kemple M., Butler M., Johnson M., Treacy P.  (2007) Nursing Research Priorities for Ireland. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 39(4):298-305.

Butler M., Treacy M., Scott A., Hyde A., Mac Neela P., Irving K., Byrne A., Drennan J. (2006) Towards a nursing minimum data set for Ireland: making Irish nursing visible. Journal of Advanced Nursing 55, 364 - 375.

Hyde A., Treacy M., Scott A., MacNeela P., Butler M., Drennan J., Irving K., Byrne A. (2005) Social regulation, medicalisation, and the nurse's role: insights from analysis of nursing documentation. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 43, 735-744.

Hyde A., Howlett, E., Brady D., & Drennan J. (2005) The focus group method: insights from focus group interviews on sexual health with adolescents. Social Science & Medicine. 61, 2588 - 2599.

Hyde A, Howlett E, Drennan J, Brady D. (2005) Masculinities and young men's sex education needs in Ireland: problematizing client-centred health promotion approaches. Health Promotion International 20(4):334-41.

Hyde A, Treacy MP, Scott PA, Butler M, Drennan J, Irving K, Byrne A, MacNeela P, Hanrahan M. (2005) Modes of rationality in nursing documentation: biology, biography and the 'voice of nursing'. Nursing Inquiry . 12(2):66-7

Cleary J. & Drennan J. (2005) Quality of life of patients on haemodialysis for end-stage renal disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing , 51, (6), 577- 586.

Drennan J. (2003) Cognitive interviewing: verbal data in the development and pre-testing of questionnaires. Journal of Advanced Nursing 42 (1) 57-63.

Drennan J. (2002) An evaluation of the role of the Clinical Placement Coordinator in student nurse support in the clinical area. Journal of Advanced Nursing . 40(4):475-83

Drennan J. (1999) Diploma in nursing studies: An evaluation of the first year curriculum. Nursing Review 17, 64 - 70.

Drennan J. (1998) Pre-registration nurse education programmes: An evaluation of a new curriculum. Nursing Review 16, 58-62.

Books Edited

Curtis E., and Drennan J. (editors) (2013) Issues and Methods for Quantitative Health Research: Theory and Application . Open University Press, London.

Chapters Contributed to Books

Drennan J., O'Reilly S., O'Connor M., O'Driscoll C., Patterson V., Purser L. Murray J. (2014)  The collaborative development and implementation of the Irish Survey of Student Engagement. In Coates H., McCormick A. (editors) Engaging University Students: International Insights from System-Wide Studies. Springer, London.

Drennan J. (2013) Using cognitive interviewing in health care research. In Curtis E., and Drennan J. (editors) Issues and Methods for Quantitative Health Research: Theory and Application . Open University Press, London.

Drennan J. (2013) Quasi-experimental and retrospective pretest designs for health care research. In Curtis E., and Drennan J. (editors) Issues and Methods for Quantitative Health Research: Theory and Application . Open University Press, London.

Drennan J., Clarke M., Hyde A., Politis Y. (2013) The Research Function of the Academic Profession in Europe. In Teichler, U. and Höhle, E, Eds. Work Situation, Views and Activities of the Aca­demic Profession: Findings of a Survey in Twelve European Countries . Springer London.

Clarke M., Hyde A., Drennan J. (2012) Professional Identity in Higher Education. In Teichler U., Kehm B. The Academic Profession in Europe: New Tasks and New Challenges. Springer, London

Hyde A., Clarke M., Drennan J. (2012) The Changing Role of Academics and the Rise of Managerialism. In Teichler U., Kehm B. The Academic Profession in Europe: New Tasks and New Challenges. Springer, London

Published Reports

Drennan J., Lafferty A., Treacy P., Fealy G., Phelan A., Lyons I., Hall P. (2013) Older People in Residential Care Settings: Results of a National Survey of Staff-Resident Interactions and Conflicts . UCD, Dublin.

Sheridan A., O'Callaghan E., Drennan J., Coughlan B., O'Keeffe D., Nee J., Frazer K. and Kemple M. (2012) Enabling Recovery: The Benefits of Supporting Socialisation Report of a Randomised Controlled Trial . UCD, Dublin.

Naughton ,C., Drennan, J., Treacy, M.P., lafferty, A., Lyons, I., Phelan, A., Quin ,S., O'Loughlin, Delaney, L.; (2010) Abuse and Neglect of Older People in Ireland: Report on the National Study of Elder Abuse and Neglect . UCD, Dublin.

Fealy GM, McNamara M, Casey M, Geraghty R, Butler M, Drennan J, Johnson M, Halligan P, Treacy P ; (2009) The National Clinical Leadership Needs Analysis Study . HSE & NCNM, Dublin

McCarron M ., Higgins A., Larkin P., Drennan J., McCallion P., Payne S., Hynes G., May P. ( 2011) Evaluation of the Programme to Support Palliative and Hospice Care in the Republic of Ireland. Atlantic Philanthropies.

Drennan J., Naughton C., Hyde A., Butler M. (2010) Practice Standards and Guidelines for Nurses and Midwives with Prescriptive Authority . An Bord Altranais, Dublin.

Drennan J., Naughton C., Allen D., Hyde A., Felle P., O'Boyle K., Treacy P., Butler M. (2009) National Independent Evaluation of the Nurse and Midwife Prescribing Initiative . HSE/UCD, Dublin

Hyde, A., Carney, M., Drennan, J. Butler, M, Lohan, M. and Howlett E. (2009) Parents' Approaches to Educating their Pre-adolescent and Adolescent Children about Sexuality . Crisis Pregnancy Agency, Dublin

Hyde A., Drennan J., Butler M., Howlett E., Nee J. (2009) Women's Experience and Understanding of Menopause: A Sociological Analysis . Women's Health Council, Dublin.

Meehan, T.C., Butler, M., Drennan, J., Johnson, M., Kemple, M. and Treacy, M. (2005) Nursing and Midwifery Research Priorities for Ireland, Dublin : National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery through the Health Research Board

Scott A., Treacy M., Mac Neela P., Hyde A., Morris R., Drennan J., Byrne A., Henry P., Butler M., Clinton G., Corbally M., Irving K. (2006) Report on the Delphi Study of Irish Nurses to Articulate the Core Elements of Nursing Care in Ireland . Report prepared for the Health Research Board by University College Dublin and Dublin City University.

Carney M., Drennan J., Fealy G., Treacy M. (2005) An Examination of the Rationale for and the Impact of Maintaining the Five Points of Entry to the Register of Nurses . An Bord Altranais Dublin.

Treacy M., Butler M., Byrne A., Drennan J., Fealy G., Frazer K., Irving K. (2004) Loneliness and Social Isolation among older Irish People. National Council on Ageing and Older People . Dublin.

Drennan J. (2005) National Evaluation of the Clinical Placement Co-ordinator in the Community Pilot Project . Department of Health & Children, Dublin.

Drennan J. (2001) National Evaluation of the Role of the Clinical Placement Co-ordinator . Department of Health & Children, Dublin.

Visiting Professor Jonathan Drennan
Health Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ

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