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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

News roundup

Published: 8 March 2013

A summary of the latest news and intelligence from around the Faculty.

Anne Bruton has been put in the spotlight by following her recent Senior Research Fellowship Award from the UK's National Institute of Health Research (NIHR).


Another Southern Central AHP Research Network Event is planned for Wednesday March 13 th .  ‘Quick Wins in Research' aims to equip AHP clinicians with the tools they need to advance their use of, and involvement in, research. Start time will be 4.00pm.

This event is free to interested clinicians, but places will be limited, so please let Margaret Bush ( ) know if you would like to attend.


Congratulations to Jane Prichard and her team who had the BSc (Hons) Healthcare: Management, Policy and Research programme successfully validated. This is a very new mode of programme for the Faculty and attracted several commendations and some recommendations from the Panel.

Close collaboration with employers has resulted in the degree being commended as being genuinely externally facing and addressing employability by the External Advisor. For the latest news click here .


Jessica Corner is one of three keynote speakers at the upcoming RCN 2013 Annual International Nursing Research Conference in Belfast.  Jessica's speech is entitled ‘The Future of Nursing' and she will be giving a master class on 'Building research collaborations and networks of influence'.  Also speaking will be chair of health services research, Peter Griffiths, and senior research fellow, Michael Simon.


The link to the Wessex HIEC launch event for the introductory course on telehealth/care education and training materials included in the last news roundup have since changed.  The new links are included here .


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