Health Sciences news roundup
Congratulations to Health Sciences’ winner of the 3MT competition, Hannah Liversedge, who received £100 and will go forward to the University’s Grand Final on Wednesday 6th May at 5pm. Hannah’s presentation is ‘Identifying the causes and reducing the instances of the skin damage suffered by premature babies during hospital admission’. She is supervised by Professor Dan Bader. The people’s choice winner was Hanif Farhan for his presentation ‘How does carrying an object influence your walking pattern?’ Hanif is supervised by Dr Peter White.
Associate Dean Education and Student Experience Anne Baileff has been quoted in the Evening Standard this week in a feature on how nurses are plugging the GP gap. Anne discusses our Advance Nurse Practitioner (ANP) Programme, the benefits of ANPs, and the likely future changes to advanced practice care.
PhD student Ivana van der Geest , who is supervised by Anne-Sophie Darlington and Dr Marry van den Heuvel-Eibrink, who works at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam the Netherlands, has published a paper which has been covered by the media in the Netherlands, where the work was carried out. Her paper is ‘Parents' Faith and Hope during the Pediatric Palliative Phase and the Association with Long-Term Parental Adjustment’ published in the Journal of Palliative Medicine .
Dr Ivan Bristow is quoted in an article by the Burton Mail and GreatReporter on diabetic foot creams. Ivan discusses the importance of regular foot checks and foot care for people with diabetes.
The University’s campaign to build a state-of-the-art Centre for Cancer Immunology has just launched a downloadable fundraising pack on the website. The pack contains everything you need to get started including sponsorship and collection forms. The University of Southampton leads the UK in cancer immunology research and this campaign to raise £25million will fund the first dedicated cancer immunology centre in Europe. Donations already received from supporters total more than £10million. It is the biggest fundraising campaign the University has ever undertaken and everyone can be a part of it.
Notes for editors