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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

"Opening Doors" International Conference Event

28 June 2011
Building 67, Highfield Campus, Southampton University

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Michelle Cowen on 023 80597854 or email .

Event details

Enabling healthcare students with disabilities to reach their potential

Inspirational speakers talk aout their experiences.

Speaker information

Geoff Holt MBE Yachtsmen of the Year,"Impossible Dream? A Voyage through Life" Geoff made history when he sailed 1,445 miles solo around Great Britain in 2007 before going on to sail across the Atlantic in 2010. This is a major undertaking for anyone, but even more inspiring when you consider that Geoff is a passionate yachtsman who uses a wheelchair. Geoff’s story is highly motivational and told with humour, thoughtful insight, great photographs and film footage. He has faced adversity, challenged limits and continues to inspire others to maintain a positive attitude no matter what the challenges ahead.

Rachel Johnson, Staff Nurse,Great Ormond Street Hospital, London,title to be confirmed

Cathy Sullivan Head of Practice Learning, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton ,“Value based approaches to adjustment - whose values?”

James Wilson, Trevor Kettle, Yvonne Middlewick, Lecturers, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton ,title to be confirmed

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