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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

Using low intensity CBT to address anxiety and depression in patients with physical health problems seminar Event

14:00 - 16:30
19 May 2014
Hartley Suite, University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Steph Baker on 02380 597925 or email .

Event details

We would like to invite you to an afternoon seminar looking at the ways in which low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could be used in a physical health care environment.

Low intensity CBT is currently delivered through the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) NHS programme to treat anxiety and depression by psychological wellbeing practitioners (PWP) using evidenced based CBT interventions. Currently this targets specific anxiety disorders and depression. However, we are becoming increasingly aware of the potential for using these interventions for those who might not traditionally access mental health services, but who might benefit from specific work around anxiety and depression with a co-morbid physical health problem as identified in the February 2011 Policy paper ‘No health without mental health'.

We are keen to explore this further in terms of provision of practitioners who are trained to work in this area, either with a background as a PWP or training current physical health practitioners to deliver PWP interventions and would welcome your feedback.

The afternoon will include an introduction from Kevin Jarman, Deputy Director - Adults, IAPT Programme, an overview of what low intensity CBT is and the courses we currently offer, the perspective of a working PWP and someone who has recently used the service in addition to a time for questions and networking.

To book your place, please visit our eventbrite website:

Please note this event is free to attend

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