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The University of Southampton
Institute of Criminal Justice Research

Graduate Conference on Corruption and Anti-Corruption Event

12 - 13 January 2015
University of Sussex Falmer Brighton BN1 9RH United Kingdom

For more information regarding this event, please email Liljana Cvetanoska at .

Event details

Corruption is not a new phenomenon, but it has only become a concept of systematic study in the social sciences in the past twenty years. In recent times many efforts have subsequently been made to build theoretical and analytical approaches to understand and explain why corruption takes place, what causes it and what can be done to counteract it. A variety of social science disciplines have made contributions, with political scientists, legal scholars, economists, sociologists and anthropologists being to the fore. Yet, interdisciplinary research on corruption and cooperation between various disciplines is still rather limited. This conference is an attempt to bring together researchers from across these disciplines and to consolidate interdisciplinary approaches to the study of corruption.

The Graduate Conference on Corruption and Anti-Corruption aims to bring together a diverse group of graduates to exchange and share their ideas, experiences and research results about all aspects of corruption and anti-corruption. The purpose of this conference is to collectively explore the multiple facets of the problems of corruption, particularly causes and effects of corruption, to analyse different forms of corruption and the topics of measurement, approaches and strategies for tackling corruption, as well as the impact of globalization and international organizations on the fight against corruption. The conference seeks to analyse corruption on international and cross-national levels, as well as to discuss case-studies on corruption in various contexts. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

*   Causes of corruption

*   Types and forms of corruption

*   Challenges in measuring corruption

*   Corruption in different contexts

*   Anti-corruption measures and strategies

*   Anti-corruption agencies

*   Corruption and development

*   Corruption and organized crime

*   Corruption and quality of governance

*   Corruption in public and private sectors

*   Corruption and democratization

*   Corruption and electoral systems

*   Corruption in the judiciary

*   Corruption in public administration

*   Corruption in public procurement

*   Fraud and money-laundering

*   Laws as an instrument for controlling corruption

*   Whistleblower protection

*   Globalization of corruption

*   International efforts to tackle corruption

*   The importance of civil society for controlling corruption

*   The impact of international organizations on the control of corruption

Proposals from graduate students at all stages of their research are welcomed. Please send a 300-word abstract, a brief biography, your contact details and your institutional affiliation to Liljana Cvetanoska by 31 August, 2014. For any additional queries please contact Elena Gorianova .

The conference is supported by the Political Studies Association Specialist Group on Corruption and Political Misconduct and by the Sussex Centre for the Study of Corruption .

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