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The University of Southampton
Institute of Criminal Justice Research

'New Actors in Corrections'. Governing offender rehabilitation through the voluntary sector and peer mentor in England and Wales. Event

16:00 - 17:30
25 February 2015
University of Southampton Building 54, Room 10031 Highfield Campus SO17 1BJ

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Event details

ICJR seminar with Dennis Gough, Director of Community Justice, University of Portsmouth.

'New Actors in Corrections'. Governing offender rehabilitation through the voluntary sector and peer mentor in England and Wales.

'New Actors in Corrections' Dr Dennis Gough
'New Actors in Corrections'

Speaker information

Dennis Gough ,University of Portsmouth,Dennis Gough is Director of Community Justice at the University of Portsmouth. He currently leads the University of Portsmouth's teaching provision for the Probation Qualifications Framework in London, South East and South West, the North East of England and Wales. His teaching and research interests broadly relate to the punishment and rehabilitation of offenders and the management of dangerousness.

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