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The University of Southampton
International Summer School

Patient and public involvement (PPI) in health and social care research: what, who, why and how?


Session 1: The foundations of PPI: What, why and who?

Via presentations, discussion and a quiz, we will:

Session 2: PPI in practice: How?

This session will consist of:

a) a presentation on the UK Standards for Public Involvement in Research and some top tips for effective PPI.

b) group work and discussion on some research scenarios to explore how the Standards and tips find expression in research.

Session 3:  Evolving PPI: Co-production

In co-production, public and researchers share responsibility and ownership of a project.  It involves a greater shift in decision-making power compared to other approaches to PPI.  This session will consist of:

a) a presentation explaining the principles of co-production .

b) group work and discussion exploring how to share power in research teams.


Dr Gary Hickey, (Senior Public Involvement Manager, Wessex Institute* and Senior Research Manager, NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre)

Jon Cole (Assistant Director, NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre)

A member of the public

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