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The University of Southampton
Mathematical Sciences

Topology Seminar - "Massey Products and Monent-Angle Complexes", Abigail Linton (Southampton) Seminar

Topology Seminar
14:00 - 15:00
3 December 2018
Building 54, Lecture Theatre 10B, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Professor Stephen Theriault at .

Event details

Massey products are higher cohomology operations that are important across algebra, topology and geometry, but are notoriously extremely difficult to compute. As a result, there are relatively few explicit examples of non-formal manifolds, that is, of manifolds with a non-trivial Massey product in their cohomology. In this talk, I present methods to create non-formal manifolds through the moment-angle complex construction. Moment-angle complexes have a natural underlying combinatorial structure that allows us to study obstructions to Massey products in cohomology. In particular, we will see how certain operations on simplicial complexes, such as stellar subdivisions and edge contractions, can be used to create moment-angle complexes with non-trivial n-Massey products on classes of any given degree.

Speaker information

Abigail Linton, University of Southampton.

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