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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Mexican distance PhD candidates

Published: 28 March 2012
The Mexican candidates

Modern Languages has just successfully recruited 15 Mexican university English language tutors to follow our Distance PhD programme in ELT. They come from universities all over Mexico (from Tijuana in the North to Chiapas in the South). All of these teachers are supported with Mexican Ministry of Education scholarships. Southampton has been recognised by the Ministry as the UK university in which to study for this doctorate, following on the success of the online MA in ELT.

Part of the programme requires them to spend time in Southampton, at the start and the end of their candidature. The first induction visit has just taken place here from March 12-25. It has been frantic and challenging to put together activities for them and make possible a productive visit. However, the group proved to be exceptionally positive, responsive and engaged. They were a pleasure to welcome in Southampton. We are confident of a fruitful period of research as they develop their doctoral studies, and look forward to their eventual return here to defend their theses at the viva exams at the end of their studies. During the period of their projects there will be staff from ML going out to Mexico to give short courses and face-to-face supervision. Apart from these, the vast majority of the supervisory support will be delivered online, through skype and email contact, and an interactive moodle site for staff and students.

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