NAMRIP features in 'The Engineer' online magazine
Article describes NAMRIP's globally focussed, multidisciplinary approach
These accessible articles describe Antimicrobial Resistance and how the NAMRIP network are tackling this global challenge
Article describes NAMRIP's globally focussed, multidisciplinary approach
Read about NAMRIP's achievements in the first 3 years since its launch in 2015
NAMRIP features in interview with Professor Leighton published in SIP, the Journal of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee.
An interview with Professor Leighton describing how his research into bubbles brought him into the world of AMR. The Ingenia online magazine is aimed at engineering enthusiasts of all ages.
NAMRIP members Dr Tom Secker and postgraduate research student Freya Malcher feature in 'Beating infections at their own game' article in the online magazine for Southampton alumni
Linking with Antibiotic Awareness Week, the NAMRIP exhibit features in NESTA Longitude Prize blog describing 'Superbugs' event in London in November 2017
Launch of NAMRIP arcade-style exhibit and the thinking behind the games, feature in both the latest blog from the Longitude Prize and their June Newsletter
Profesor Leighton shares how NAMRIP members are fighting Antibiotic Resistance
An interview with Professor Tim Leighton, Chair of NAMRIP
Translating research into real world solutions
Professor Tim Leighton describes our approach to tackling AMR
Some of our members' AMR research features in research magazine