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The University of Southampton

Top Government scientist gives 2005 IBM Hursley lecture

Published: 24 October 2005

Sir David King, the Government's Chief Scientific Adviser and Head of the Office of Science and Technology will outline ways of working towards a sustainable future through science, technology and innovation when he delivers the University of Southampton's sixth IBM Hursley lecture on Wednesday 2 November at the Turner Sims Concert Hall.

"Investment in these areas is high on the Government's agenda, because it is excellence here that will deliver the UK's future sustainable economic growth and competitiveness in the global economy," said Sir David.

The lecture, sponsored by IBM UK Laboratories at Hursley, will hear how the UK has converted its strong science base into the biggest high-technology clusters of small and medium-sized companies in the world outside the US. Sir David will analyse some of the factors that need to be brought together to exploit the new sustainable industries in the 21st century.

The University and IBM have had a longstanding and productive relationship over 20 years, involving research and teaching links with many University departments. Southampton is one of eight universities in the country which have been selected by IBM to be a strategic partner in its University Relationships programme, and the company recruits a significant number of Southampton graduates.

All are welcome, no tickets required. The lecture starts at 6.00pm.

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