Media highlights - 7 to 13 September, 2024
Top story: Throat problems could impair nervous system’s ability to regulate blood pressure
Research by Professor Reza Nouraei found that patients with throat problems were less able to regulate blood pressure. It suggests the Vagas nerve might prioritise protection of the airways over less urgent functions, such as blood pressure regulation. Read our press release.
The story received more than 60 pieces of coverage:
Additional media coverage
- This week's US presential debate won't "move the polls a whole lot" but Kamala Harris was "effective in communicating to people would be open to her," Professor Jason Reifler told BBC News.
- Professor Kath Woods-Townsend told the Daily Echo she was "delighted" the University's LifeLab programme has been recognised for its work to encourage children make healthier choices.
- Dr Rafael Mestre's work on the ethics of bio-hyrbid robotics featured in a piece on the Aljazeera website.
- In her first address to Parliament, Southampton MP and UoS graduate Satvir Kaur mentioned the University's history in the creation of the internet, which featured on BBC Parliament.
- Storms which form in the Bermuda Triangle create a "deadly formation of rogue waves," Dr Simon Boxall told the indy100 in an article disappearances in the area.
- ITV News reported on a father who is running seven marathons to raise money for a clinical trial led by Dr Helena Lee that could cure his daughter's rare eye disorder.
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