Joanna Jones MSci Marine Biology, 2012
Research Technician, BIOS

I chose to study at Southampton after seeing the excellent facilities which it had to offer. The course offered a wide range of modules which gave me a good understanding of ocean science as a whole but also allowed me to determine which areas I wanted to specialise in during my final years. I chose the MSci Marine Biology program as it offered many opportunities for field work including shoreline surveys in Wales, research trips on the R/V Callista and studying tropical ecosystems in Bermuda. It was the good balance between learning the theory in lectures and being given the opportunity to apply my knowledge in the field that was fundamental in helping me gain employment after graduation. The lecturers were always incredibly helpful and happy to offer valuable career guidance throughout my time at university.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Southampton and would recommend it to anyone thinking about studying ocean and earth sciences.
Whilst studying at Southampton I was lucky to have the chance to work as a part time research assistant in Dr Duncan Purdie’s lab. This opportunity definitely helped my career prospects as it gave me an insight into working in a laboratory environment. After graduating I was offered a job as an oceanographic research technician at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences. My job involves both lab work and going to sea on a regular basis. I use the practical and research skills I learnt from my time at Southampton every day at work and still read over my lecture notes on a regular basis. Since graduating I’ve had the chance to participate on several research cruises including a cruise from Bermuda to Puerto Rico which was an amazing experience. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Southampton and would recommend it to anyone thinking about studying ocean and earth sciences.