Professor Harry Bryden awarded medal from the European Geosciences Union.

Professor of Ocean and Earth Science, Harry Bryden has been awarded The Fridtjof Nansen medal from the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
Alberto Montanari, Chair of the EGU Awards and Medals Comittee, commented on the award saying:
"The Fridtjof Nansen medal is awarded by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) to recognize distinguished research in Oceanography. The medal has a long history: it was first awarded in 1996 by the European Geophysical Society (EGS), which in 2002 merged into EGU.
Prof. Harry Bryden will be the 18th recipient of the medal and will join a group of previous medallists who substantially contributed to the development of modern ocean sciences. Prof. Bryden will be awarded for his long-term leadership in experimental physical oceanography and his substantial contributions to understanding the mechanisms of the general ocean circulation and heat transport. He is arguably one of the world's foremost observational physical oceanographers and as such he significantly contributed to our understanding of the earth system.
Therefore, EGU is very proud to include Prof. Bryden within the restricted circle of its scientific ambassadors."
The EGU has named all recipients of next year's Union Medals and Awards, Division Medals, and Division Outstanding Young Scientist Awards. These individuals, honoured for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary, and space sciences, will receive their prizes at the 2013 EGU General Assembly taking place in Vienna on 7-12 April.
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