Professor Ian Robinson receives esteemed award

Ocean and Earth Science Professor Ian Robinson has been presented with an award for Services to Remote Sensing and/or Photogrammetry through sustained and distinguished contributions to furthering the science and applications which use remote sensing or photogrammetry.
Ian was presented with a medal and honorary life membership of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc) at the Painted Hall, University of Greenwich on the evening of 13 September 2012.

The RSPSoc annual report describes Ian as "one of the pre-eminent satellite remote sensing oceanographers of his generation. He has made significant contributions to the remote sensing community through his research, teaching and service on national and international scientific bodies. Although he has recently retired, Ian continues to be active in satellite oceanography research.
Ian Robinson is a distinguished and highly regarded member of the remote sensing community and is a worthy recipient of the 2011 Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Award."
Read the full Annual Review HERE
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