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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Student scoops award

Published: 15 February 2013

Many congratulations to Holly Elliott was awarded the best student talk at the annual Volcanic & Magmatic Studies Group Meeting at the University of Bristol in early January.

This year's meeting was the largest on record, with 230 delegates and more than half of the talks (~25) given by students at various stages in their Ph.Ds. The judges noted that the overall standard of student presentations was particularly high this year.

Holly Elliott

Holly's Ph.D. project on "Pb-Zn mineralization within the Limerick Basin (SW Ireland): A role for volcanism?", supervised by Dr. Tom Gernon and Prof. Steve Roberts , is partly supported by the international mining company, Teck. Teck's exploration manager for Europe and Africa, Dr. Patrick Redmond, says "Holly's research is of a very high quality and is contributing lots of new and interesting data and ideas'.

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