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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

OES Postgraduate researcher, Abbie Chapman wins British Ecological Society photo competition

Published: 16 December 2015
Abbie Chapman - award photo

We are pleased to announce and send our congratulations to Marine Ecology PhD student, Abbie Chapman. Abbie has been awarded a prize in this year’s British Ecological Society (BES) photographic competition for her stunning photograph of a chimpanzee peacefully resting by his treetop nest. She took the prize-winning image while following a chimpanzee family across Kibale National Park, Uganda.

She says: “We had been following the chimpanzee family across challenging terrain through the rainforest. It was an exhausting four-hour trek as the chimpanzees walked across liana vines and roots at speed with ease. We felt honoured to follow the chimpanzees through their forest home – we were in awe of our nimble guides.”

Abbie was awarded the prize of Student Winner in the Whole Organisms and Populations competition category after impressing the judges with her unique take on chimpanzees in their natural habitat. Her award-winning photograph will be exhibited at the BES Annual Meeting, which takes place this week at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.

Abbie Chapman is a first year postgraduate research student (MPhil/PhD SPITFIRE DTP) here at Ocean and Earth Science focusing on the functional biodiversity of deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems. Abbie has been at University of Southampton since 2009, first studying a BSc (Hons) Physical Geography with Physical Oceanography, then went on to study MSc Oceanography here at NOCS.

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