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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Computational Modelling Open Day Event

31 March 2014
Highfield Campus

For more information regarding this event, please email Hans Fangohr at .

Event details

Like programming? Interested in Computer simulations? Looking for a PhD and studentship? We have 15 fully funded studentships available for UK/EU students wanting to study next generation computational modelling.

We are offering a unique 4-year training programme in computational modelling : the first year is similar to a taught Master of Science and provides training in programming, numerical methods, simulation methods, software engineering, statistics, visualisation , and other important techniques for simulations in science and engineering.

Years 2 to 4 are a three-year research PhD , with research projects based on computer simulation in the focus areas of

  • computational engineering
  • advanced computational materials science
  • autonomous agent system modelling
  • bioengineering and health modelling

Come to our open day to find out more, to register for a place please email:

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