Ocean and Earth Science Southampton Careers Day Event
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Project Coordinator OES Careers Event on 023 8059 6466 or email oescareers@southampton.ac.uk .
Event details
Our Careers Day is an annual event run by Ocean and Earth Science in collaboration with the University of Southampton careers service. The aim of the day is to engage our geology, geophysics, oceanography and marine biology students along with students from the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment with key organisations relevant to their field of study, giving them opportunity to network and discuss potential career pathways. The event will be held at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton, on Thursday 23rd February 2017 and will begin at 10am and conclude at 2pm.
Useful Downloads
Exhibitors : In order to reserve your stand please use our online booking process here . You will be asked to supply a 70-word company profile which will appear in the event brochure and on this website. The profile should express the type of organisation you are and the types of opportunities available. Lunch and refreshments will be provided along with a table and chairs for your stand. There is no charge to exhibit at the event.
List of Exhibitors 2017
- British Oceanographic Data Centre
- Careers and Employability Service
- Carnival UK
- Frontier - Society for Environmental Exploration
- Fugro
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
- HR Wallingford
- Jacobs UK
- Love The Oceans
- MacAlister Elliott & Partners Limited
- Mott MacDonald
- Omnia Environmental Consulting
- Operation Wallacea
- Ordnance Survey
- Royal Navy
- Royal Navy Reserves
- Royal Society of Biology
- RSK Environment
- Southampton Education School
- Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
- TeachFirst
- Umphafa Private Nature Reserve
- The Geological Society - Solent Group
- University of Southampton-Work Experience Team
- WiseOceans
Confirmed Panellists
Dr Keiron Roberts, Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, UoS
Stephanie Lavelle , Maritime Manager, Chelsea Technologies Group
Mike Rose , Head of Data Engagement, DEFRA
Dr David Todd , Coasts and Estuaries Scientist, HR Wallingford
Tessa Gregory , Project Geophysicist, CGG
Alan Smith , Owner and Principal Consultant, Luchelan Limited
The mix of jobs represented on the panel worked well and provided a perspective of both inside and outside niche industries