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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Ocean and Earth Science Southampton Careers Day Event

Careers Day
12:00 - 14:30
25 February 2021
Via Teams

Event details

Ocean and Earth Science Southampton Careers Day

See also the University Careers Opportunities Fortnight , including employer events fortnight that runs from 22 Feb to 5 March 2021.

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Our Careers Day is an annual event run by Ocean and Earth Science. In normal times, we would hold a Careers Fair with several exhibitors for you to meet with and discuss career opportunities. Unfortunately, this year we are unable to provide a fair for you so we have asked organisations to submit an advert advertising opportunities that they currently have. The brochure with details can be downloaded above.

The aim of the day is to engage our geology, geophysics, oceanography and marine biology students along with students from the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences with key organisations relevant to their field of study, giving them opportunity to network and discuss potential career pathways.

We would normally host several talks from industry and alumni. We are pleased to say that we will be able to do this on the 25th February , with the difference being they will be held online rather than in person.


Time Event Recording
12:00-13:00 Alumni Networking and Careers Event | Hosted by Dr Tom Gernon Watch here
13:15-14:14 Industry Talk by Francis Williams | From student digs to drilling rigs Watch here

Industry Talk: From student digs to drilling rigs. 13:15-14:15 -  Via Teams

by Francis Williams, Director - Ground and Water Limited

Francis Williams qualified with Upper Second-Class Honours in a Masters of Geology in 2002. He served his apprenticeship with a Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Consultancy based near Southampton, and in December 2009 formed Ground and Water Limited with fellow Southampton graduate Dipalee Jukes. The vision, to be the best we can be and use this success to do business for good, positively impacting people’s lives and the environment. Ground and Water reached their 10yr anniversary in September 2019 and have been steadily growing throughout. To compliment this, since November 2018, Francis has been developing his Leadership and Coaching skills via business coach Action Coach. Francis became a Chartered Environmentalist in 2010 and Chartered Geologist in 2016, and now scrutineers.

To get a taste of what Francis is like, he has just written a blog about his love of geology and the impact it has had on him. View here .

Aim of Talk – To answer the following questions;

  • Who am I?
  • What we/Ground and Water do?
  • How did I get here?
  • Why do I do what I do?
  • What jobs are available and what are they like?
  • What should your salary expectations be?
  • What other jobs are available in industry?
  • What expectations are there on CPD?
  • What are our CV wants?

Geology and Geophysics Alumni Networking & Careers Event -
12:00-13:00 - Via Teams

Guest speakers

Guest speakers: L-R: David Eastwell, Aisling Hubert, Ryan Kelly, Elle Lashko, Ben Flett

An event hosted by the School of Ocean and Earth Science, in association with the Southampton Geological Society (Rebecca Primiceri, President, and Rachael Sims, Secretary)

Format: The event will be attended by five geology/geophysics alumni from the University of Southampton, who will each present a short talk on their career path and broad areas of work. Tom Gernon will introduce the speakers & host the discussion/Q&A, alongside Rebecca and Rachael.

Guest speakers:

David Eastwell – Geophysicist, Radioactive Waste Management (UK)
David graduated with a BSc in geophysics from the University of Southampton in 2012. He has 8 years’ experience in rock physics and seismic analysis, with companies including EGS International, TGS and Ikon Science. David has worked on designing and interpreting seismic surveys and developing hydrocarbon exploration projects around the globe. He is currently a geophysicist with Radioactive Waste Management, where he is responsible for the design, processing and analysis of geophysical data and supporting the Site Characterisation team in a nuclear waste geological disposal facility.  As the current president for the AAPG Europe Young Professionals, David leads a team of volunteers to promote young professional and student career, skills and networking development in the South East of England.

Aisling Hubert – Senior Analyst: Mining & ESG | Platinum Group Metals (UK)
Aisling graduated with an MSci in geology from the University of Southampton in 2017, where she served as the President of the SEG student chapter, and as a member of Women in Mining (UK). Since graduating, Aisling has served as an exploration geologist with Altus Strategies, working in the Arabian-Nubian Shield of Northern Ethiopia. Aisling joined SFA consulting analysts (Oxford) in March 2020, where she is Senior Analyst and heads-up analytics on platinum group metal producer's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance. Her analysis is underpinned by the work of leading international organisations which outline country-specific and corporate targets, hold mining executives to account, and promote environmental stewardship for socially responsible investments.

Ryan Kelly – Senior Geologist: Mining at Gold Fields (Australia)
Ryan started his career in mining after graduating from the University of Southampton with a BSc in geology in 2008 and has remained in the industry ever since. His first role was as a Graduate underground geologist in the historic mining town of Wiluna, Western Australia, where he was exposed to many of the classic mining methods. After two years there, he moved to the Cosmos Nickel mine just North of Leinster, Western Australia. As the Nickel price declined in 2012, he moved back to structurally complex, narrow vein gold at Agnew with Gold Fields initially as a project geologist, and later as a senior.

Elle Lashko – CO2 Storage Geoscientist & Integrity Investigator at Pale Blue Dot Energy (Scotland)
Elle graduated with an MSci in geology from the University of Southampton in 2013. Elle served as vice president of the SEG student chapter while at Southampton and worked as an intern geologist with Stratex International PLC on an epithermal gold deposit as part of her 4th year project. She undertook a MSc in petroleum geoscience at Royal Holloway, University of London and spent five years working as a geoscientist with Merlin Resources Ltd., an oil and gas consultancy. In 2019, she took a change of career to follow her passion for the low carbon transition and started in her current role as a CO2 Storage Geoscientist with Pale Blue Dot Energy.

Ben Flett – Project Engineer, Offshore Wind, Van Oord (Netherlands)
Ben graduated with a BSc in geology from the University of Southampton in 2016, before undertaking an MSc here on Engineering in the Coastal Environment (2017). During his masters, he pursued an internship at HR Wallingford, researching the link between pressure differences within the Atlantic Ocean and sand movements along the UK coastline. He served as a Graduate Civil Engineer with Ramboll, and currently is a project engineer with Van Oord, working on the Borssele 02 Offshore Wind Farm.

Host: Tom Gernon is an Associate Professor of Earth Science at the University of Southampton. He obtained his undergraduate degree in geology from University College Dublin, and a PhD in physical volcanology and fluid mechanics with Prof Sir Steve Sparks CBE at the University of Bristol. He has worked with De Beers, Debswana and De Beers Canada on the geology of diamond deposits across southern Africa and in Arctic Canada. Previously, he has held lectureships at Trinity College Dublin and the University of Southampton. He holds a Fellowship of the Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence.

Additional Companies

Global Expeditions Group

Consisting of Sea | mester, Actionquest and GoBeyond Student Travel, the Global Expeditions Group (GXG) provides international adventure and educational programs for young adults. Expeditions include unique educational voyages where gap year and University Students spend an entire semester at sea, sailing between countries and continents. Coupling university accredited Marine Science academics with real world application, GXG's goal is to provide an immersive learning experience, engaging students in ways that are impossible to replicate in the traditional classroom.

Looking to recruit : Oceanographers, Marine Biologists, Geographers, Mechanical Engineers

We are open to recruiting individuals from all disciplines if the individual had a sailing / scuba diving background.

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