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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Ocean and Earth Science Southampton Careers Day Event

10:00 - 14:00
10 February 2022
National Oceanography Centre

For more information regarding this event, please email .

Event details

Ocean and Earth Science Southampton Careers Day

Our Careers Day is an annual event run by Ocean and Earth Science in collaboration with the University of Southampton Careers Service. The aim of the day is to engage our geology, geophysics, oceanography and marine biology students along with students from the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences with key organisations relevant to their field of study, giving them opportunity to network and discuss potential career pathways. The event will be held at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton, on Thursday 10th February 2022 and will begin at 10am and conclude at 2pm.

Careers Talks

We have invited alumni to give motivational careers talks that will deal with their own background and progression, important “non-academic” qualities and some tips as to how students can best “sell” themselves to potential employers.

LinkedIn Lab

Book your slot here:


Time Event Location
12:00-12:30 Geology/ Geophysics Careers Talk: Daniel Drummond (Geophysics Team Leader, RSK) Charnock Lecture Theatre
13:00-13:30 Oceanography/ Marine Biology Careers Talk: Francesca Trotman (Founder and Managing Director, Love The Oceans) Charnock Lecture Theatre
10:00-14:00 LinkedIn Lab by SUSU (bookable slots only) Seminar Room

Confirmed List of Exhibitors 2022

A-2-Sea Solutions Limited
British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)
Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
EGS International Ltd
Ground and Water Ltd
Love The Oceans
MacAlister Elliott and Partners Ltd
MarineSpace Ltd
Operation Wallacea
Ordnance Survey
Teach First
Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd
UoS Careers and Employability Service
UoS Initial Teacher Training

Careers Day Booklet 2022

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