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The University of Southampton

OPTICAM's first light

During the nights from October 11 to 13, 2019, the OPTICAM system was installed and tested for the first time on the 2.1 m telescope of the OAN-SPM observatory. The tests were performed with the main objective of evaluating the ability to focus on the three arms of the system, as well as testing the software for individual and simultaneous acquisition of images. In the temporary absence of the dichroic elements required by our system (which are in the process of being manufactured), a borrowed dichroic was used provided with similar transmission/reflection characteristics but different optical properties. This dichroic was used as a mirror for focus tests on each arm and finally to obtain a simultaneous image on two of the three OPTICAM channels. The complete operation of the instrument is expected for the first half of 2020, once the final integration of the beam splitters is performed according to OPTICAM specifications.

Crab Nebula
The Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant in the constellation of Taurus.
Messier 15
Globular cluster Messier 15 (or M15) in the constellation of Pegasus.
Ring Nebula
The Ring Nebula (also known as M57) in the constellation of Lyra.
NGC 7235
Open Cluster NGC 7235 in the constellation of Cepheus.
GK Per
Light curve of the bright nova GK Persei.
BL Cam
Lightcurve of the SX Phe type (subdwarf) variable star BL Cam.

The images presented below were acquired in direct image mode (no beam splitter) using camera 3 (C3) mounted on Arm 3 of the OPTICAM system and the SDSS filter i '. The images are presented in false color for illustrative purposes. The light curve obtained for GK Per was also acquired with the filter i' , while the filters i' and r' were used simultaneously to obtain the BL Cam light curve. Better results are expected once OPTICAM is fully functional.

Astrophysical Object Filter Exposure Time x N Image Credit
Crab Nebula i' 10 s x 72 A. Castro, J.V. Hernández-Santiesteban, & OPTICAM team
M15 i' 30 s x 3 A. Castro, R. Michel, & OPTICAM team
M57 i' 30 s x 12 A. Castro, M.O. Arabaci, & OPTICAM team
NGC 7235 i' 0.5 s x 37 A. Castro, C. Tejada, E. Colorado, & OPTICAM team
GK Per i' 1 s x 6593 J.V. Hernández-Santiesteban, A. Castro, & OPTICAM team
BL Cam r' & i' 2 s x 1637 R. Michel, A. Castro, & OPTICAM team

opticam team
OPTICAM team and OAN-SPM support staff. October 13, 2019.
opticam team
OPTICAM team and OAN-SPM support staff. October 11, 2019.
OPTICAM being configured before the engineering night.
The OAN-SPM 2.1 m telescope.
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