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The University of Southampton
The Parkes Institute

The Parkes Institute takes seriously its commitment to world-class scholarship which is truly international in scope.

All of the scholars in the Institute have individual international contacts and reputations, but in addition Parkes looks to cement this international presence and reputation with formal partnerships with similar institutions and centres. In April 2012 we renewed our long-standing and deeply valued partnership with the Isaac and Jessie Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies, the University of Cape Town, signing a fresh Memorandum of Understanding for another five years. We have also signed for the first time an MOU with the Department of Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies at the University of Sydney. This two agreements have been part of an ambitious tripartite arrangement which has looked to develop research strands across three continents and has already delivered conferences on The Holocaust and the Legacies of Race (Sydney 2012) and Jews, Colonialism and Postcolonialism (Cape Town 2013). We will be hosting the third event in 2014.

All of these relationships promise to extend the reach of the Parkes Institute and its partners, ensuring that we continue to make a significant global impact. These international academic partnerships also allow the Institute to connect to museums and other bodies at a local level. They also offer our staff and students exchange opportunities.

If you would like to know more about our partnerships, be interested in visiting Southampton or establishing an agreement, please contact us .

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