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The University of Southampton
The Parkes Institute

Civic Engagement Workshops this week at John Hansard Gallery

Published: 6 March 2023
Neon sign reads: YOU BELONG HERE
Asten Holmes-Elliott and Breakout Youth, YOU BELONG HERE, (2017–18)

In celebration of the official signing of the Civic Agreement we would like to invite you to workshop sessions being held on Thursday 9 March at the John Hansard Gallery located in the heart of Southampton's Cultural Quarter.

The first of these sessions, Places of Sanctuary , will be facilitated by colleagues from the University of Southampton - University of Sanctuary, Working Group: Professor David Owen, Professor Tony Kushner and Claire Giles (University of Sanctuary Coordinator). The group works together to support the collective aims of making places warm and welcoming for those seeking refuge and asylum.

The second session Better Lives Through Culture: The Civic Role of Place-based Cultural Education Partnerships , will be led by Kath Page, Southampton Cultural Education Partnership (SCEP) Chair and Louise Coysh, SCEP Lead. The workshop provides an opportunity to reflect on and discuss the development of partnerships in cultural education locally and regionally.

The Southampton Cultural Education Partnership (SCEP) is a growing consortium of over 50 diverse organisations working together, in partnership with Artswork, to nurture creative and cultural education for all children and young people.

Thursday, 9 March 2023 | John Hansard Gallery, Above Bar Street, Southampton, SO14 7DU | BOOKING ESSENTIAL – LIMITED SPACES. Please RSVP via email .

Order of Event

13:30-15:00 Workshop 1: Places of Sanctuary

15:00-16:00 Workshop 2: Better Lives Through Culture: The Civic Role of Place-based Cultural Education Partnerships

16:00-17:00 Refreshments and networking

17:00 Gallery closes

Workshop Information

Workshop 1: Places of Sanctuary

This workshop will involve a series of talks and discussion on supporting places of sanctuary, the lived experience of being a sanctuary bursary student and the role of the University of Southampton in Cities of Sanctuary and becoming a University of Sanctuary. With Professor David Owen, Claire Giles and Professor Tony Kushner

Workshop 2: Better Lives Through Culture: The Civic Role of Place-based Cultural Education Partnerships

The interactive workshop will explore how place-based partnerships add value to the lives of children and young people. Kath Page is SCEP Chair and Manager of Southampton and Isle of Wight Music Hubs and Senior Education Manager at Southampton City Council; Louise Coysh is Associate Director, Arts & Culture at University of Southampton


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