Workshop: ‘Comparative Approaches to Apocalyptic Literature In Judaism, Islam and Christianity (c. 600-c. 900)’
Registration is open for the upcoming hybrid workshop, ‘Comparative Approaches to Apocalyptic Literature In Judaism, Islam and Christianity (c. 600-c. 900)’. The conference is taking place online and at the University of St Andrews, 5-6 June 2023.
Workshop Schedule
Monday 5 June 2023
9:30-10: Registration and Coffee
10-1 Session One:
David Cook (Rice University), “Apocalypse in the History of Damascus: Ibn `Asakir (d. 1176) and the Syrian Muslim Apocalyptic Heritage”
Gaelle Bosseman (Université de Namur), “Characteristics and Reception of Apocalyptic Literature in the Latin West (7th-9th c.): Between Inheritances and Mutations”
Helen Spurling (University of Southampton), “Beyond Ishmael: The Sons of Qedar in Jewish Apocalyptic Traditions”
1-2 Lunch
2-3:30 Session Two:
Tim Greenwood (University of St Andrews), “Seventh-Century Armenian Apocalyptic Traditions in Comparative Perspective”
Andras Kraft (Universität Wien), “Pseudo-Methodios in Sicilian Garb: Revisiting Ninth-Century Byzantine Apocalypticism”
3:30-4 Coffee
4-5 Plenary Session (led by Helen Spurling and James T Palmer with Alex Woolf, University of St Andrews): “How Do We Compare Apocalypses? Cultures, Contexts, and Methods”
5-6 Drinks Reception
7 Workshop Dinner for Speakers and Guests
Tuesday 6 June 2023
9-9:30 Coffee
9:30-11 Session Three:
Veronika Wieser (Universität Tübingen), “Mapping Gog and Magog in the Medieval World: New Approaches to Ethnic, Religious and Political Discourses in Apocalyptic Thought”
Constanza Cordoni (Universität Wien), “Spatial Aspects of Apocalypticism in Jewish Traditions”
11-11:30 Coffee
11:30-1 Session Four:
Sebastian Bitsch (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), “Traces of the Magi. Reflections of Zoroastrian Eschatological Motifs in the Qurʾān”
James T Palmer (University of St Andrews), “The Political Resonances of Apocalyptic Literature in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries: Frameworks and Perspectives”
1-2 Lunch
2-3 Plenary Session: “Themes, Directions, and Future Plans”
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Registration Information
To register visit our Eventbrite site: .
For further queries contact Prof James T Palmer at .