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The University of Southampton
The Parkes Institute

Interfaith Week 2012 Event

19 - 23 November 2012
Avenue Campus University of Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please email .

Event details

An annual event which involves interfaith work and hosts activities and workshops.

This year we will be running talks and workshops in interfaith week 2012 particularly examining the legacy of Revd Dr James Parkes for interfaith relations. James Parkes (1896-1981) was one of the most remarkable figures in British Christianity in the twentieth century. He became a priest in 1926 and was affiliated to the Student Christian Movement and the International Student Service, Geneva, through which he began to confront the growth of nationalist and racialist organisations in Europe during the late 1920s. Thereafter, he devoted his career to fighting antisemitism and seeking out its origins. Parkes believed that in order to establish future dialogue between Christians and Jews it was essential to understand what Christians had thought about Jews and the Jewish religion throughout the ages.

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