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The University of Southampton
The Parkes Institute

The history, culture and heritage of Jews in Belarus across the age international conference Event

Minsk Conference Logo
28 - 30 June 2021

For more information regarding this event, please email Clodagh Owens at .

Event details

Building on the significant research published in the last decade, the conference will serve as a platform to discuss what is special about the history of Jews in Belarus. The conference will bring together senior specialists and young researchers from Eastern Europe and other parts of the world to evaluate the latest findings on all aspects of the history, culture and heritage of Jews in Belarus, including the emergence of a distinctive Belarusian-Jewish identity.

About the conference

The programme includes panels on art, history, ethnography, heritage and literature. The papers will be delivered live by the conference participants and pre-circulated summaries will be available in Russian and English on the conference website. The keynote lecture will be given by Professor Mikhail Krutikov . The programme also includes two roundtables on heritage challenges and priorities and the identity of Jews in and from Belarus. Synchronous translation in Russian and English will be available throughout the conference.

The programme and details of the conference can be found on the conference website and below. Attendance is free but registration is required.

Minsk Conference programe
Conference Poster


The conference is organized by the Belarusian-Jewish Cultural Heritage Center, in collaboration with the University of Southampton and the Goethe Institute in Belarus. It is also supported by the German Minister of Foreign Affairs (Eastern partnership program), the Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations (University of Southampton), the British Embassy in Belarus, the Embassy of Israel in Belarus, the Polish Institute in Belarus and the European Humanities University .

Curated by Claire Le Foll (University of Southampton) and Maya Katznelson (Belarusian-Jewish Cultural Heritage Center).

We hope to see many of you attending the conference and participating in the discussion.

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