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The University of Southampton
Practical Applications of Statistics in the Social Sciences

ESRC at Southampton

At the University of Southampton, the Economic and Social Research Council provides funding for many social research projects, including those conducted through the ESRC Doctoral Training Centre and the ESRC Research Centre for Population Change.

The ESRC Doctoral Training Centre at the University provides supervisory expertise across the full breadth of the human and social science disciplines and our thriving community of postgraduate students is supported by a first class research training infrastructure. The ESRC-DTC offers 20 study pathways for postgraduate students to choose from, as well as making studentships available to doctoral students.

The ESRC Research Centre for Population Change at the University of Southampton, in partnership with the Office of National Statistics, the National Records of Scotland, and the Universities of St. Andrews, Edinburgh, Strathclyde and Stirling in Scotland, seeks to study population change in both the UK and Europe.

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