General information
A round-up of hints and tips, from local advocacy to caring with confidence.
With a growing ageing population, many University staff now have current or potential responsibility for care of older relatives or friends. Some staff also have children to look after at the same time. This is the so-called 'sandwich generation'.
A person’s disability or age does not in itself make the person vulnerable or needing a high level of care. Whether they need support depends on several factors including personal circumstances, ill health, environment and resilience.
Parents and Carers Network provides a social forum for carers, as well as meetings and workshops on a range of relevant subjects
In this section you will soon be able to find a wider range of resources for yourself and your cared-for relative or friend.
A round-up of hints and tips, from local advocacy to caring with confidence.
One of the best investments that you, or one of your family, could make.
DisabledGo has audited access and facilities on the University's campuses, and many other public buildings using a detailed checklist drawn up by disability user groups.
This information can help to take away one source of worry for you or your companion before visiting an unfamiliar location for work, study or leisure. Find out more .