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The University of Southampton
Parents and Carers Network Events

First Aid for infants and toddlers Event

12:30 - 13:30
5 December 2018
B54/R10031 (10C)

For more information regarding this event, please email Lisa Hanley at .

Event details

The Parents' and Carers' Network is pleased to welcome back Sam Beaty to provide information about First Aid for infants and toddlers.

Sam is a registered Paramedic with a number of years' experience working in the Ambulance Service.

All staff welcome to this session that aims to provide a brief look at recognising and dealing with a sick child, including some common childhood ailments and accidents, you will also have the opportunity to try some hands on resuscitation!

Further information will be provided in the full first aid course, which you will be welcome to register for after the session.

Keep up to date with all news and events on Twitter @UoSPCNetwork

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