Southampton Ethics Centre
Bringing together Ethics Researchers from across the University
Southampton Philosophy came 6th in the latest national assessment of UK Philosophy departments (REF 2022), with 87% of our research being evaluated as ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. We did especially well in delivering remarkable real-world benefit from our research being ranked joint 1st for delivering research-based impact.
Philosophers at Southampton work across the breadth of the subject and we have particular expertise in the History of Philosophy; Analytic Aesthetics and the History of Aesthetics; Wittgenstein and Early Analytic Philosophy; Ethics; Epistemology; and Language, Logic and Metaphysics.
We also bring our research to bear on various bodies outside of academia. Some recent projects with such external impact include work on the ethics of infant feeding (led by Prof Fiona Woolllard ), work on rights of mothers in birth, and work on the ethics of self-driving cars (led by Dr Will McNeil ).
Philosophers at Southampton collaborate with colleagues in other disciplines at Southampton, and with philosophers elsewhere. Home to the Southampton Ethics Centre, we are also a part of a number of other groups, featured below:
Bringing together Ethics Researchers from across the University
Bringing together Normativity Researchers across Europe
Conducting and promoting research on normativity in southern UK
Philosophy at Southampton welcomes enquiries from potential externally funded postdoctoral and visiting researchers, especially from those with projects that complement our existing research strengths. Those interested might consider funding their projects by applying for the following fellowships:
Informal enquiries are very welcome and can be directed to Dr Lee Walters .
Southampton has a vibrant community of research students working on a range of issues in analytic and post-Kantian philosophy. Current PhD students are working on topics as diverse as self-knowledge, inferentialism, Collingwood’s account of art, Nietzsche’s conception of truth, emotion in music, and consequentialism.
Southampton is a member of the South, West & Wales Doctoral Training Partnership (SWW DTP). Applicants for the PhD who wish to apply for AHRC funding through the SWW DTP should note that they have to apply both to Southampton for a place on the PhD, and to the SWW DTP for funding. The competition for funding has closed for 2017/18. Please check back in November 2018.
More information for potential research students can be found on the Research degrees page .
Informal enquiries are very welcome and can be directed to Professor Genia Schӧnbaumsfeld.