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The University of Southampton
Relief-OpS Project


Relief-OpS team is hosting the National Seminar on Synergy to Building a Resilient Disaster Supply Chain

24-25 September 2021

The goal of this seminar is to facilitate the discussion between policymakers (national and regional), practitioners, academics and researchers to share, discuss and create synergy between the various disaster supply chain research in/for Indonesia with the real need from policymakers and practitioners. The seminar provides a networking session in which the participants discuss several venues for future collaboration related to disaster management as well as resilient logistics and supply chain.

The seminar was held in a hybrid mode on 24-25 September 2021. The in-person participants met at Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung. The online participants joined via zoom. The seminar was attended by more than 100 disaster supply chain and humanitarian logistics policymakers, practitioners and researchers. The first day presented five keynote speakers:

  1. Dr Raditya Jati (Deputy System and Strategy Division of BNPB/National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure) to represent Lt. Gen.  Ganip Warsito, SE.,MM (Head of BNPB) who had to attend another urgent matter on the day.
  2. Dr. George M. Karagiannis, CEM (Deputy Secretary General for Civil Protection, Greece)
  3. Mr. Ikhsanuddin (Logistics officer at World Food Programme)
  4. Dr.  Dani Ramdan, ST., MT (Head Executive of West Java BPBD/Regional Agency for Disaster Countermeasure)
  5. Professor Stephan Onggo (University of Southampton, Principal Investigator of Relief-OpS project)

The first day was concluded with a panel discussion with Mr Ikhsanuddin (World Food Programme), Dr. Dani Ramdan (West Java BPBD) and Professor Stephan Onggo (University of Southampton).

On the second day, in collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of Supply Chain and Logistics ( ), we organized several technical presentations in which presenters shared their research work. The second day was concluded with a plenary session by the Relief-OpS team to share the experience and technical aspect of the project followed by a discussion of future plans.

The recording and materials will be made available from the resources page ( ).

Capacity Building Workshop on Optimisation and Simulation for Relief Food Supply Chain in Disaster Management

Relief-OpS capacity building workshop
Relief-OpS capacity building workshop

26-27 July 2021

We are running a capacity building workshop on Optimisation and Simulation for Relief Food Supply Chain in Disaster Management as part of Relief-OpS project which include Agent-Based Simulation by Professor Stephan Onggo, Simulation Optimization by Professor Christine Currie and Food Supply Chain in Disaster Events by Dr Tomy Perdana. The objective is to promote the use of optimization and simulation modelling in disaster management among researchers in Southeast Asia. The workshop was held on 26-27 July 2021 and attended by more than 90 researchers.

Relief-OpS team has lost another dedicated person who had contributed to the food security in Indonesia

July 2021

With sadness, we said goodbye to Mr Endang Ahmad (West Java Food Security Agency), who was a strong supporter of Relief-OpS project since the beginning. Rest in peace.

Relief-OpS team met with West Java Regional Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BPBD Jawa Barat)

Project meeting with BPBD
Project meeting with BPBD

May 2021

The team met with our partner organisation, the West Java Regional Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BPBD Jawa Barat). The meeting was attended by the Head of Operations, Dr Dani Ramdan and his team who explained about the standard operating procedures when providing relief items for disaster victims. We had a productive meeting and discussed how our models could be used to support disaster management decisions in West Java province.

Relief-OpS team met with Bureau of Logistics West Java region (BULOG Kanwil Jabar)

Project meeting with BULOG
Project meeting with BULOG

Jan 2021

The team met with our partner organisation, the Bureau of Logistics West Java region (BULOG Kanwil Jabar). In this meeting, our partner organisation helped us understand about the decision making process with regard to the procurement, storage and distribution of rice for those who are affected by disasters. We also explained about our models and asked them to verify whether we had included key operational and policy constraints.

Relief-OpS team met with Professor Anna Nagurney

Project meeting with Scientific Advisory Board
Project meeting with Scientific Advisory Board

Jan 2021

Relief-OpS team from the UK and Indonesia met with Professor Anna Nagurney. She is the John F. Smith Memorial Professor in the Department of Operations and Information Management in the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In this meeting, the team reported the progress of the project. The team presented the latest information about the food relief supply chain challenges in West Java and how our models could be used to help our partner organisations make better decisions.

Relief-OpS team has lost a dedicated person who had contributed to the disaster management in Indonesia

December 2020

With sadness, we said goodbye to Mr Bernadus Wisnu Widjadja, the Deputy System and Strategy of the National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB). Rest in peace.

Duc-Cuong Dang has started his role as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Relief-OpS project

August 2020

Due to COVID-19 lockdowns and travel restriction, Duc-Cuong Dang's arrival has been delayed for five months. He has finally started his role from August 2020. He is an experienced researchers and has worked in France, Portugal and the UK. He receives his Ph.D in Computer Science & Operations Research from Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France.

Gheo Rahmat Fauzi joins Relief-OpS team as a Research Assistant

November 2019

Gheo Fauzi who has recently graduated from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia will join Relief-OpS team as a research assistant in Jan 2020. He wasthe 1st runner up in GRANITE TRISAKSI Paper Competition 2018 for his paper "Inconsistency Relationship between Total Electron Content (TEC) Precursor with Earthquake Magnitude and Depth". He is passionate about learning data science and programming.

Relief-OpS team visited West Java Social Services (Dinas Sosial Pemda Jabar)

Sending off Tagana fast response team
Sending off Tagana fast response team

Oct 2019

Stephan Onggo and Tomy Perdana visited West Java Social Services (Dinas Sosial Pemda Jabar) to let them know that the project was funded and met several staff members. During our meeting, we had a chance to send sending off Tagana fast response team to help thousands of people affected by tornado in Pengalengan a few hours before our meeting. It was rather surreal because Stephan Onggo and Tomy Perdana was in the affected area less than 48 hours before the tornado stroke.

Relief-OpS team met with the Deputy System and Strategy of the National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB)

Meeting at BNPB 2019
Meeting at BNPB 2019

October 2019

Stephan Onggo, Tomy Perdana and Cipta Endyana met with Mr Bernadus Wisnu Widjadja, the Deputy System and Strategy of the National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB) to discuss about the plan to start the project.

Relief-OpS organised a pre-project meeting with several stakeholders

Pre-project start meeting with partner organisations
Pre-project start meeting with partner organisations

October 2019

Stephan Onggo and the Indonesian Relief-OpS team led by Tomy Perdana organised a meeting to discuss about food relief supply chain challenges. The meeting was attended by the representatives from West Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD Jawa Barat), West Java Social Services (Dinas Sosial Pemda Jabar), West Java Food Security and Animal Husbandry Services (DKPP Jawa Barat), and Bureau of Logistics West Java region (BULOG Kanwil Jabar).

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