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The University of Southampton
Relief-OpS Project


Relief Food Supply Network Simulation

Stephan Onggo and Christine Currie (University of Southampton) and Tomy Perdana, Gheo Fauzi, Audi Achmad and Cipta Endyana (Universitas Padjadjaran). Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference.

Abstract: Research into simulation modelling to support disaster management has focused on large disasters. In some regions, there are frequent small to medium scale disasters, which require daily decisions to be made. These are typically described as routine emergencies. For example, in Indonesia’s West Java province, on average, there were 4.6 disasters per day between 2016 and 2020. This paper presents a simulation model of relief food distribution to refugees in a region that is vulnerable to multiple disasters on daily basis. To illustrate how the model can support disaster management decision making, we use the West Java case. The model demonstrates that the current warehouse locations and routing heuristic can cope with the demand; however, improvements are needed to cope with an expected increase in the demand due to increased number of disasters as a result of climate change and a growing population.

Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation for Management Decisions: A Review and Tutorial

Stephan Onggo (University of Southampton) and Joël Foramitti (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference.

Abstract: Agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) has become one of the most popular simulation methods. It has been applied to a wide range of application areas including business and management. This article introduces ABMS and explains how it can support management decision making. It covers key concepts and the modeling process. AgentPy is used to show the software implementation of the concepts. This article also provides a literature review on ABMS in business and management research using bibliometric analysis and content analysis. It shows that there has been an increase in the research that uses ABMS and identifies several research clusters across management disciplines such as strategic management, marketing management, operations and supply chain management, financial management, and risk management.

A Simulation-Optimization Approach to Design a Resilient Food Supply Network for Natural Disaster Responses in West Java

Duc-Cuong Dang, Christine Currie, and Stephan Onggo (University of Southampton) and Tomy Perdana, Diah Chaerani, and Cipta Endyana (Universitas Padjadjaran). Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Download .

Abstract: We present the development of a simulation-optimization approach to build a resilient food supply network for natural disaster responses in West Java, Indonesia. The objective of the model is to support disaster preparedness and response decisions, such as warehouse locations, replenishment policies and response allocations. Our approach is designed to understand the trade-off among the two criteria of effectiveness, ie. fulfilment of the demands, and of efficiency, ie. response time, storage and operational costs. It will allow both the evaluation of the current system, which is managed separately for different food items, and the investigation of the coordinated use of shared resources.

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