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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute

Linear Mixed and Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Applications in Medicine

Course summary
Course Code: S3RIMMGLMM
Course Dates: 30th November 2015 – 2nd December 2015
Course Leader: Professor Dankmar Böhning

This course will focus on the application of generalized linear and generalized linear mixed models for medical applications with a binary or count outcome . Topics will include simple and more complex hierarchical data structure such as measurements on patients (for example length of stay in hospital) within wards within hospitals, crossed and nested effects, fixed and random effects as well as random coefficient models. The course will give an introduction to the generalized linear model and extend it generalized linear mixed models to cope with potentially nested fixed and random effects simultaneously. All models will be illustrated at hand of study data. The course will include a mixture of lectures and practical workshops using the software STATA.

The course is aimed at researchers who want to perform generalized linear model or generalized linear mixed model analysis and/or need to analyse hierarchically structured study data. Participants may be academic researchers in the Medical and Health or Social Sciences sector or may work within the Government, pharmaceutical industry, or other parts of the private sector.

Participants are expected to have a good working knowledge of simple statistical methods, including a basic understanding of regression and analysis of variance. No familiarity with the software STATA is required.

Course Fee

  • £100 per day for registered students
  • £200 per day for staff from academic institutions (including research centres)
  • £250 per day for all other participants

The course fee includes course materials, lunches and morning and afternoon refreshments. Travel and accommodation are to be arranged and paid for by the participant.

On the first day, the course will start with registration and coffee at 9.30 with formal teaching starting at 10.00 a.m. On the last day, formal teaching will end at about 4.00p.m. Afterwards there will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions about the course and to discuss with the instructor how to analyse their own data (until about 5pm). (Participants are welcome to bring their own data if they wish).

The course will be led by
Professor Dankmar Böhning is Chair in Medical Statistics and Studied mathematics and social sciences at the University of Bielefeld and the Free University Berlin Worked at assistant professor in social science statistics at the Free University and became extra-ordinary Professor for Biometry and Epidemiology at the Charité Medical School Berlin since 2000. Was Professor for Applied Statistics at the University of Reading from 2005 to 2011 when he moved to Southampton.

Had visiting positions in Department of Statistics at Pennsylvania State University, Institute of Statistics at the LMU in Munich, the Institute for Psychology at the University of Vienna and the Mahidol University in Bangkok.

Venue Details
University of Southampton,
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute,
Building 39,
SO17 1BJ

Additional Information
Participants will need to make their own accommodation arrangements.

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