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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute

S3RI Seminar - Understanding the Arctic Sea Ice Melting via Functional Data Analysis, Dr Sourish Das (Chennai Mathematical Institute) Seminar

S3RI Seminar
14:00 - 15:00
10 May 2018
Building 54, Room 8031, Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Dr Helen Ogden at .

Event details

In the edge of the digital era, we can record a curve or a surface as data. Such data is popularly known as 'functional data'. Here each sample is a function. The functions are typically indexed by time or space, or both. In this talk, we consider the 'satellite remote sensing data' as functional data, and we study daily measurement of sea ice extent of each year as a smooth continuous function of time. I will explain the basis expansion approach to the functional data. In this study, we have adopted the Fourier basis expansion and Gaussian process prior approach. We will present the velocity and acceleration approach to understanding how fast the Arctic sea ice melting situation is worsening!

Speaker information

Dr Sourish Das , Chennai Mathematical Institute. Assistant Professor whose research involves solving problems of Financial Mathematics, Statistical Machine Learning and Bayesian Methodology

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