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Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute
(023) 8059 2428

Dr Neil Wells FRMet.Soc

Emeritus Fellow in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology

Dr Neil Wells's photo

Dr Neil Wells is Emeritus Fellow in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology within Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton at the University of Southampton.

Senior Lecturer, University of Southampton, UK
Research Scientist, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia
Lecturer in Meteorology, Reading University,

BSc Hons Physics and Meteorology First Class, Reading University, UK
PhD Oceanography Modelling, Reading University, UK

Membership of Societies:
American Geophysical Union
European Geosciences Union
Challenger Society for Marine Science
Royal Meteorological Society

Research interests

Specialisms: Ocean modelling, climate, air-sea interaction

(i) Large scale ocean modelling with interests in heat fluxes and heat content change.
(ii) Application of ARGO data sets to determine ocean heat content change.
(iii) Links of above with air-sea interaction from seasonal to decadal change.
(iv) Storm surges and tidal interaction in coastal seas and relationship to climate change.

Linking heat transport at 26 deg N and heat content/SST changes
Credit: Joel Hirschi (NOCS)

Research group

Physical Oceanography

Research project(s)

Meridional Overturning and North Atlantic heat Content (MONACO)

Dr Neil Wells
Ocean and Earth Science
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
University of Southampton Waterfront Campus
European Way
Southampton SO14 3ZH

Room Number : NOCS/564/14

Facsimile: (023) 8059 3059

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