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The University of Southampton
Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute

MagellanPlus workshop - Navigating the IODP proposal system Event

24 - 26 September 2018
National Oceanography Centre Southampton, University of Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please email Roz Coggon at .

Event details

2018 marks 50 years since Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 1 sailed from Orange, Texas to Hoboken, New Jersey and drilled seven sites in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean - and started 50 years of international co-operation in scientific ocean drilling - arguably, the most successful, enduring multinational science collaboration. To celebrate this anniversary and to equip the next generation of European scientific ocean drilling leaders, we are holding a three-day workshop to introduce early career and PhD researchers to the opportunities, capabilities and processes of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), and the ways to get involved.

Scientific ocean drilling offers scientists unique access to drillships and bespoke platforms, each with unmatched scientific capabilities. Participation in ocean drilling is a career-building opportunity, with the scientific immersion integral to IODP expeditions leading to enduring long-term research relationships. However, the system can appear complex and distant. Through mentoring and team preparation of drilling proposals, this workshop will dispel the mysteries of ocean drilling and introduce early career researchers to the opportunities to participate.

Through informative introductory lectures by some of Europe's most experienced ocean drilling scientists and active participation in group writing exercises, the early career delegates will work together in teams to develop hypothetical drilling proposals. These will then be presented to a Science Evaluation Panel for feedback and eventual selection of a winning team. There will be opportunities for each delegate to present their science as both posters and short 'three-minute thesis'-style introductory pitches.

This MagellanPlus workshop will be held at the National Oceanography Centre at the University of Southampton. Spaces for this workshop are limited.

This event is being sponsored by the UK-IODP and ECORD / ICDP MagellanPlus programmes, who will support actual reasonable costs.

Please note: Funding is available for ECORD scientists only. Spaces are also limited. If non-ECORD scientists are interested in attending, they can potentially join the workshop if space is available, but no financial support can be provided. They should contact Roz Coggon at to express their interest, in the first instance.

Convener and host: Professor Damon AH Teagle
Co-conveners : Professor Wolfgang Bach (MARUM - Bremen), Dr Rebecca Bell (Imperial College London), Dr Rosalind Coggon (Southampton), Dr Benoit Ildefonse (CRNS Montpellier), Professor Lisa McNeill (Southampton), Professor Heiko Palike (MARUM - Bremen), Professor Paul Wilson (Southampton)

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