SMVOICED is engaged in dissemination as the project develops. Research outputs to date include:
Boger, Emma , Ellis, Jaimie , Latter, Sue , Foster, Claire , Kennedy, Anne , Jones, Fiona , Fenerty, Vicky , Kellar, Ian and Demain, Sara (2015) Self-management and self-management support outcomes: a systematic review and mixed research synthesis of stakeholder views. PLoS ONE , 10(7), e0130990. ISSN (online) 1932-6203
Boger, E., Jones, F., Hankins, M.,Latter, S., Kennedy, A., Foster, C., Kellar, I., Ellis, J., Demain, S. (2014) What are the outcomes of self-management that matter to patients, families, health professionals and service commissioners?. PROSPERO 2014:CRD42014007316 .
Ellis, J. Presented 'Using a Goffmanian perspective to explore how self-management has affected prof-patient interaction' at BSA MedSoc, York, 8-11 September 2015
Demain, S. Presented ' A qualitative enquiry to investigate which outcomes of self-management matter to patients, family/ carers, health professionals and commissioners' at HSRN Symposium, Nottingham, July 2015
Boger, E. Presented 'Priorities for self-management of long-term conditions in England: a qualitative investigation of commissioners' views' at International Health Conference, Oxford, June 2015
A poster was presented at The Health Services Research Network Symposium July 2014.
'Other' Events and Outputs
Exhibited at Portsmouth's Festival of Ideas, on 3rd April 2014.
SMVOICED featured in a news report in the Southern Daily Echo on 6th February 2014.