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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Pedro Suppo BSc Economics with Econometrics2007

Pedro Suppo's Photo

Hi, I'm Pedro Suppo and I studied BSc Economics with Econometrics within Social Sciences: Economics at the University of Southampton.

Even before I came to England, I had Southampton in my mind.

Q: Why did you choose the University of Southampton?

Back in Brazil, I was studying Economics at a university that offered exchange programmes to other institutions around the world, including Southampton. So, even before I came to England, I had Southampton in my mind. However, it was only after attending one of the open days that I decided that I wanted to study here. I found that the city was lovely and the atmosphere in the halls of residence seemed (and proved to be!) amazing.

I've been having a great time here. The lectures are interesting and there's a lot of scope for self-studying which is what I like most about the Social Sciences. It's also very multicultural. I've had the change to meet some really interesting people who see the world in completely different ways to me; being around them has made me a different person too!

Q: What did you like about living in Southampton?

What I enjoyed most about living in Southampton was the chance to understand and live the British way. As the city is relatively small, not only did I get to live in the multicultural environment of campus life but I also met some local people who have a lifestyle completely different to the one I was used to. It's been an experience I will never forget.

Q: How did you find adapting to university life?

After Freshers' Week, when things come back to reality, everyone feels a bit lonely, and for an international student, having to deal with the adaptation process, it can be harder. There was a lot happening at once – my mind was still getting used to English 24/7 and there was nowhere to run! It can be seen as something scary or as something exciting and, following challenge after challenge, I can say now that it will be much harder leaving England than it was coming here.

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