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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Academician award honour

Published: 23 October 2009 Origin:  Politics and International Relations

Professor Gerry Stoker has been honoured with the award of Academician status in the Academy of Social Sciences. The Academy is acknowledged as the voice of the social sciences in the UK for the public benefit. The award is for making a significant contribution to the social sciences and is by nomination and peer group review, and Professor Stoker was one of just 64 academics to receive the award nationally.

Speaking about the conferment, the Chair of Council, Professor Cary Cooper CBE AcSS, said: “I am delighted that we are able to confer the award on such a significant number of distinguished new Academicians. The social sciences have a vital contribution to make towards some of the big issues facing society today, such as sustainability, crime, communities and individual fulfilment and well-being. Conferment of the award will give confidence that the contributions made by Academicians to knowledge production and transfer are well founded, because that are based on rigorous peer group review of the available evidence.”

The award demonstrates the value of the research pursued by staff in the division of Politics and International Relations, and the high esteem in which it is held by those outside the university.

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