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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Branch of Occupation and Divorce Risks in Denmark Seminar

8 October 2015
06 (Nuffield Theatre)/1129

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Centre for Population Change on 023280 592579 (Mel Morgan – Centre Administrator) or email .

Event details

A Centre for Population Change seminar

The current study covers the divorce risks of women and men in Denmark during 1981-2002. It is based on register data on all women and men born in 1945 and later that married in Denmark during 1981-2002. We control for standard socio-demographic covariates of divorce: age at and duration of marriage, educational attainment, metropolitan residence, and number of children. Our main independent variable is branch of occupation, which is sub-divided into 47 different categories. In general, divorce risks do not differ tremendously across branches but a few of them stand out: women and men on farms and in library or pharmacy businesses have the lowest divorce risks; the highest risks are found among women and men in hotel and restaurants and in manpower businesses. A more in-depth analysis reveals how divorce risks are related to the sex composition of employees in each sector and the degree to which the sector comprises part-time employment.

Speaker information

Gunnar Anderson , Stockholm University. Professor in Demography and Lecturer in the Interdisciplinary Master's Programme

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